What Did They Do Before Digital Cameras?

Well all your blocks arrived safely and I didn't have to undo a single one. By the time I'd laid them out, changed them around, laid them out again, changed them round some more I was starting to dream about them. I finally was happy with a layout although I'm sure Tara could improve on it, and I took a range of digital pictures just in case.

Normally, if I concentrate as I go and get into a routine there's no problem with the order of the blocks but I was gaily sewing the pairs of blocks into strips when I realised I run out of bobbin. Suddenly I had 4 pairs of blocks out of order. Thank heavens for the digital photos.

What did they do before digital cameras? You know, I reckon that's why the Amish ladies purposely put a mistake in every quilt. It was just a cover for all the unintentional mistakes they made.

Poor Tara!


Amy's first quilting effort