Thank-you so much, we absolutely love it!

Hello lovely ladies,
I just finished reading the blog, it was so great to read about the making of our beautiful quilt, and see pictures too.
Thank-you all so much for your hard work. It is so very special to sleep under a quilt which I know all the women of my family have made for me. It makes me feel very loved and warm and fuzzy inside!
The lady from the quilting shop was right when she said it is a happy quilt. The colours are just so lovely.
An especially big thank-you to Tara, what a mammoth job! You put in so much time and effort. Plus you've done a fantastic job choosing the pattern and colours, organising the whole project and creating this great blog - you are truly amazing! Good on you for initiating the tradition of making a quilt for newly weds in our family, it is such a beautiful idea and so nice, as Sandra said, for all the ladies to work together on a project.
Thank-you, we really love the quilt and really love you all too.
Amy xox

Phoebe's quilt almost done


The big day