Two stitches forward, one stitch back

That's what it's felt like with projects this week.

This one little ball finally arrived, so I can finish the cardigan I posted about way back here (bottom left pic). It's definitely too late now for this season, but I guess it's taken me so long, that one more year won't hurt!

I also went to Quiltsmith today to get some more blue fabric for Jude's quilt. I bought enough last time, but the solids were from different shops. One sells in fat quarters, the other by the part metre, so when I merrily cut out the part-metre pieces the same way I'd been cutting out the fat quarters, I found myself out of fabric. That project has been at a standstill for a while so it's lucky the wedding was postponed to March next year!

I couldn't help myself while I was there and bought a couple of fabrics for another quilt that's just starting to take shape in my head!

My little summer cardigan was making great progress last week. I'd finally got back into the rhythm of the pattern again after knitting and undoing the first section half a dozen times, but for some reason the right hand side just doesn't want to be knitted. Maybe I got cocky and thought I could pay less attention to the pattern, or maybe I'm undoing it a similar number of times to the other side but it just feels more 'cause it's the second time around.

Either way it's just not coming together!


The sewing machine resistance


For advanced knitters